Ep.06: Union Types in TS


A union type in typescript is a combination of two or more types, representing values that can be any one of those types.
Each of these types are referred as the union's member.

Here's an example of union type:


// here id can be of type number or string let id: number | string = 24768; score = "1f25g"; score = 30045;

Another example of combining two custom types:


type User = { id: number; name: string; } type Admin = { id: number; username: string; } let john: User | Admin = {name: "John", id: 2468}; john = {username: "johnDoe", id: 2468}; // No error

Now, lets see an interesting usecase of union in arrays:


// an array with elements of only number type allowed const data1: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; // an array with elements of only string type allowed const data2: string[] = ["1", "2", "3"]; // Now, lets create a heterogeneous type array. // This is the mistake commonly made - const data3: string[] | number[] = [1, "2", 3]; // ERROR: only elements of type either only number or only string are allowed // So, to make a heterogeneous type array, do this: const data4: (string | number)[] = ["1", 2, "3"];

Typescript allows us to make a value of very strict type.

Such as, if we want the value of PI to be precisely equals to 3.14, then we can do it like this:


// this is a literal type of assignment let pi: 3.14 = 3.14; pi = 3.145; // ERROR

Another useful scenario:


let seatAllotment: "aisle" | "middle" | "window"; seatAllotment = "aisle"; seatAllotment = "crew"; // ERROR: not allowed

Paras Chandra@2025 • Dev Bytes Blog

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