Ep.06: Union Types in TS


A union type in typescript is a combination of two or more types, representing values that can be any one of those types.<br/> Each of these types are referred as the union's member.

Here's an example of union type:


// here id can be of type number or string let id: number | string = 24768; score = "1f25g"; score = 30045;

Another example of combining two custom types:


type User = { id: number; name: string; } type Admin = { id: number; username: string; } let john: User | Admin = {name: "John", id: 2468}; john = {username: "johnDoe", id: 2468}; // No error

Now, lets see an interesting usecase of union in arrays:


// an array with elements of only number type allowed const data1: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; // an array with elements of only string type allowed const data2: string[] = ["1", "2", "3"]; // Now, lets create a heterogeneous type array. // This is the mistake commonly made - const data3: string[] | number[] = [1, "2", 3]; // ERROR: only elements of type either only number or only string are allowed // So, to make a heterogeneous type array, do this: const data4: (string | number)[] = ["1", 2, "3"];

Typescript allows us to make a value of very strict type.

Such as, if we want the value of PI to be precisely equals to 3.14, then we can do it like this:


// this is a literal type of assignment let pi: 3.14 = 3.14; pi = 3.145; // ERROR

Another useful scenario:


let seatAllotment: "aisle" | "middle" | "window"; seatAllotment = "aisle"; seatAllotment = "crew"; // ERROR: not allowed

Paras Chandra • @2024 • Dev Bytes Blog

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